It’s July and in honor of my late daughters birthday, an ebook of Footprints on the Heart is free to anyone who would like a copy.

Here is the link:


Footprints on the Heart: A Remembrance Anthology is a collection of Poetry and Prose by bereaved parents and families from different parts of the world who have been inspired and profoundly moved by the love and loss of their babies and children, which has inspired their moving and heartfelt words.

They speak of the ugliness, the truth and the depth of grief so unfathomable, and the reality of a loss no parent should have to endure.

However, if you have suffered any kind of loss, I am certain something will resonate with you.

Please feel free to share with anyone you think will benefit from it.

So much love,

Four years

I loved you every second of your life
I will love you every second of mine
Your heart beats and mine are forever entwined
Your soul became a part of my own
I was your only home, your sacred place,
An honour I proudly hold
You’re no longer with me
But you’ve woven your way into me
There you’ll be
Forever with me
The light that’ll never fade

Happy 4th Birthday Zia Sarai Joseph
16 July 2013